Thursday, April 15, 2010

Treat Bad Breath, Movie Stars' Greatest Nightmare a Case Study

Movie stars with bad breaths will lose strategic roles because of this condition. They are a group of individuals with unique characteristics, married or not, they accept indulging in acts that most normal individual will not. They act prostitutes, homosexuals, intimates love scenes, scenes that cannot be taken by anyone not born to be a movie star.

Imagine the embarrassment, you face coming to work with a bad breath every day? Everyone takes a step backwards each time you speak? No one agrees to take a love scene with you that require some intimate talk and kissing? You may be the best actor in the world but this little issue of bad breath which can be solved within hours is tearing your life apart. This problem can be solved in many ways.You maybe unlucky that your colleagues never mentions that you have a bad breath and why things seem to be the way they are with you.

You start examining every step of your life in an effort to crack down this disturbing issue. No matter how much you try to be more friendly, kind, tolerant, supportive to everyone, things seems to get worst. The next thing you do is to retreat, low self-esteem streams in, going to work is no longer fund, you start making flimsy excuses why you were absent from work the previous day and by no time you realize that you fire yourself or you are fired for job irregularities.

Because of the importance of movie stars in the entertainment industry, they have become celebrities and gained great influence in almost all aspects of life. What they say can influence the political map of a country, the religion, culture and even sciences and technology. At this point, they are no longer restricted to a hand full of workmates who have managed to contain their offensive mouth odors but also to the entire world in which they may be acting as good will ambassadors. For example, goodwill ambassadors to UNICEF who are or where movie stars amongst a list are Lord Richard, Venessa Redgrave, Angelina Jolie, Orlando bloom, Jackie Chan, Mia Farrow, Sir Roger Moore, Suzan Sarandon,Vendela Thommessen.

They meet top ranking officials from the heights of the president of the United States down to the lowest class of people situated in all the corners of the world. It is their responsibility to speak out against neglected aspects of life that requires human attention, for example HIV/AIDS campaign, fight against child molestation, against women rights or refugees ect.

Imagine the embarrassment bad breathed movie stars will have when they witness rejection from the top down to the bottomed underprivileged. Their interlocutors will prefer telephone conversations rather than a face to face contact while those they meet in the fields will have no option but to shy away from them. Bad breath therefore is a condition everyone will avoid

Why do we have to let things go this worst before we act? Prevention is better than cure which means proper mouth hygiene from the beginning is an obligation to anyone of us. The good news is that even when things have gone this bad, we can still fix them and move on like nothing ever happened.

There are clear signs to to take note of if you suspect a bad breath. As if the rejections at work and amongst our friends are not enough, and after all the efforts we put to make them love us and come to us have failed, let us examine the following signs; Constant dry mouth, mouth infections with red or swollen gum, respiratory tract infections like sore throat, mucus producing cough or from the nostrils are conditions that lead to bad mouth breath. The best and most effective way to know is to ask close friends what they think about your mouth odor.

Do you want to be free from bad bread? To treat your bad breath Click here and follow the link

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