Friday, April 16, 2010

World Cup 2010, A Dream Come True For Africa, But a Big Gamble For FIFA

World Cup 2010 South Africa will be the biggest football event that has ever happened in the continent of Africa. It is an event that has long been anticipated for. Thanks to South Africa (the most developed nation is Africa) and their hard work, the international community could no longer capitalize on the issue of less infrastructure in Africa.

Africans love soccer as it is said of the Brazilians, But for the late invitation offered the continent to take part in world cup tournaments and the less number of teams so far, this has partially been the reason behind their poor performances at the world tournaments. Africans had been hoping to host the events as the privileged of playing on home ground would definitely have an additive effect on their performances.

As Africans are celebrating for the opportunity given them, the world football body FIFA is wondering on how make up for the expenses they have endured and how to keep up the moral of the game in the various stadia. European nations support soccer both morally and financially because of their comfortable financial situation. They buy the tickets no matter how expensive they are and fill up the sits thereby portraying the importance of the game in the eyes of the world. On the contrary, the African nations are less privileged with a far less financial stand compared to Europe and the rest of the world. This is a call for concern since less Africans will afford to pay for the world cup tickets and this may put the financial situation at stake and more importantly the usefulness or moral of the game. If the tickets are not purchased, the sits in the stadia will not be occupied and hence low morale.

FIFA is going extra mile to do what she never thought she could do by selling world cup tickets in supermarkets contrary to online purchase or obtaining tickets directly from the bank. The lack of complete access to the internet in most African countries has been a road block for FIFI to eventually sell the number of tickets they anticipated for.

Therefore, as Africans are celebrating, for finally hosting the world, FIFA is busy completing assignments she would never do if the tournament was hosted in Europe or the developed world.

Watch world cup games online and a complete access of online TV from all the participating nations. Watch movies, other sports, and documentaries in any language you so desire.

Sex And Its Importance In Relationships; A Comprehensive Guide Towards A Long Lasting Relationship

The act of sex is commonly known to be the union between the reproductive organs which performed well result to a great degree of satisfaction. It is performed for several reasons, the most important being for the purpose of baring children. The act of sex can also be for the sake of the pleasure derived from it. Couples use sex to communicate their love and affection for one another. They settle disputes from an act of sex and to symbolize the commitment for one another. The act of sex is what is used by couples to draw the thin line between them and another ordinary friend. Therefore the act of sex is considered the one prime reason why couples commit themselves to one another.

Sexual Intercourse For Babies: The Biblical interpretation of sex is for the purpose of having children in other to multiply from what God created of Adam and Eve. It is still today the main reason some people get married and have sex for. In most societies especially in the developing nations people get married to make babies and when this is not possible the couple separate and look for another partner who may be capable or willing to make babies. Therefore sex is important here for the purpose of having children

Sexual Intercourse For Pleasure or Happiness: Man's peruse of happiness is the prime why he lives. Pleasure from sex is a happy feeling we like. Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. Happiness easily spread through close relationships like your spouse, friends, siblings, and next-door neighbors making life pleasant and worth living. The absence of sex or reduced number of sex occasions in a relationship is the begging of stress, difficult to please, easy to anger and subsequent fights. This always happens in long relations especially when the couples don't have anything new to offer during the act of sex. Couples must develop new ways from which they can derive the desired pleasure from sex

Sexual Intercourse For relaxation: An important way shown to eliminate stress and stay happy in a relationship is by enjoying a pleasant sex. This is a fact recommended by sex therapist which has been shown to improve healthy habits physically, medically and psychologically within a relationship. You may be facing difficulties falling asleep, a simple sex can make you relaxed and ready for a deep and sweet sleep.

Sexual Intercourse For Love and Affection: Most couples believe they care and love and show affection for each other if they have regular sex. When one partner starts restraining from sex maybe due anxiety problems, stress, fatigue or medical issues like diabetes, the opposite partner may misinterpret this as signs that he or she does not love care of have affection anymore. Therefore in such a relationship, new measures must be put in place to avoid going in to such a situation.

Sexual Intercourse For Trust A couple may request for sex just because he or she need to repair a doubt. The thin line between man and wife and the rest of the world is the fact that they make love only to each other and no other person. You may regain trust to your partner after a pleasant act of sex.

Therefore the act of sex in a relationship is an important part which without it, couples will not maintain the relation. Some couples have learned to maintain their relationship in the absence of sex for one reason or other. The most common reason is to bring up the kids under a single roof, but the truth is that this relation with be filled with fights and misunderstandings which are not good for the kids as well.

It is important to invest in a good sex life in any relationship you really want to keep for the rest of your life.

Improve on your sex live to save the relationship you have invested all these years on.

Shakira Zangalewa, A Great Inspirational Song For World Cup 2010

In 1985 a group of soldiers (artist) under the name Golden Sounds, realized what today has been the second anthem of Cameroon after the national anthem. Zangalewa was the name of the song that hit across all corners of Africa. Jean Paul Ze Bella the lead singer alongside Kojic Emile and Victor Dooh Belley explain the source of their inspiration as a means to pay tribute to Cameroon soldiers who fort during the Second World War. During the Second World War the Cameroon soldiers created a slang for better communication between themselves from which Golden sounds mimicked the pace to come out the arrangement Zangalewa.

Shakira amongst other musicians like Alicia Keys, Black Eyed Peas, Juanes, Amadou and Mariam have been called upon to animate during the opening ceremony of the world cup 2010. It is in this light that Shakira Zangalewa was created by Shakira. Shakira a Colombian born American icon has modified Zangalewa to Shakira Zangalewa in preparation for the opening ceremony of world cup 2010. With no aorta of doubts Shakira Zangalewa is an inspirational song that will suit the events of the world cup. It is a song filled with power and command.

The rhythm of Zangalewa and now Shakira Zangalewa is a military rhythm that will prepare players of all nationalities against the football battle. It is the right the song for a tournament for it encourages competition and a fighting spirit. The Cameroonian football team is lucky and proud of this heritage as it will symbolize and project the countries name during this tournament.This will also act as a moral buzzer to the team as they have never prepared for a competition as much as this.

Each world cup tournament has its own lead song, but Shakira Zangalewa is a song with a difference for world 2010. It is a song written and song by a native African, and a song by sons of Cameroon the leading African world cup participants. A song being remade by one of the world's greatest singers will create an impact yet to be seen during this tournament.

To listen to Shakira Zangalewa, follow the link below. You will also have the opportunity to learn some aspects of playing musical instruments to.

Follow this link and enjoy Shakira zangalewa Watch Online TV on your computer. All world games and movies at your door step

The Effects of Music, and How to Play Instruments Within a Week

Music is an art that moves the soul. It is commonly used for entertainment, but there is more to it many do not know. The appreciation of music varies from person to person, place to place or culture to culture. Your reaction to music is strongly influenced by what you are used to and your understanding of what is being song. Music can be a means of communication whereby one actually listens to the lyrics and understands what is being song or just a collection of sounds put together having a rhythm. The sounds produced by early birds can be translated to music.

Music can be used for entertainment. Here people dance to it by dancing or singing along side. This heals the soul or makes people forget of their worries. Music can also be used to remind someone of the past or worries. Here we say music provokes memories good or bad. Particular songs are attributed to particular moments or experiences in someone's life, such that each times they listen to that song; they are reminded of those days. Therefore at different times, music can stimulate excitement, relaxation, festivity, boredom, sexuality, arrogance, anger just to name a few.

Music is now used in hospitals to easy pain especially during labor, or surgery, it is used to put the mentally handicapped in a calmer situation. Two components of music are the rhythm and melody. The strength of the rhythm is enhanced by the instruments types.

Musical instruments are very important to music and this is why music lovers will want to play at least one instrument. Learning to play an instrument is like learning a new language, they younger you are the easier it is for you learn and vice versa. Even as adults our curiosity to learn how to play musical instruments for example the guitar, piano violin or drums never ends. Each time we handle a guitar for example, we strike the strings with the hope that we can play a common song we love to sing. This always ends with a great deal of frustration because we never succeed to translate the melody we create in our brains into an actual sound from the guitar.

Each time we meet a football along our way we kick the ball at least and that's how you can know he who loves soccer and this is same for he or she who loves playing musical instruments. We will never play a musical instrument if we don't take immediate action. Different people have different reasons for wanting to play and instrument. Some need the talents to make a carrier from while others need it just to satisfy their zeal to be able to translate a melody into actual sound.

For more tips on how to play the guitar, piano, violin or how to sing, within a week, follow our link bellow.

Learn how to play the guitar, piano, violin and sing within the shortest period of time Watch World Cup Games on your computer.

HIV AIDS Prevalence, Higher rates due to Cultural Habits in Cameroon

HIV Aids prevalence stands at 5.1% as of 2008 in a population of about 18 million inhabitants. Over half a million people walk the streets carrying the HIV virus and with the coming of anti-retro viral drugs for HIV treatment, most people have successfully slowed down viral replication and disease progression. They have gained normal weight and have regained their strength to go back to work.

HIV education has penetrated communities thanks to vigorous and aggressive programs put in place the Government and some Non-Governmental Organization. The awareness that HIV AIDS patients suffer from repeated illnesses and gradual weight loss has been abused and now used as a diagnostic tool within individuals. Faced with a desperate situation or temptations, groups of individuals make decisions as to whether each other maybe positive or not by physically examining for slimness or how constantly seek they become. This is a wrong method of HIV testing and only a medical test from a recognized institution can tell for sure who is HIV positive or not.

With the continuous usage of eye judgment to decipher who is positive or not common risky cultural practices in the villages are still in use after physically diagnosing themselves.

Bush meat Consumption: Hunters in the eastern region of Cameroon hunt down monkeys and chimpanzees for food commonly known as bush meat. The tradition of eating these primates is risky for man as primates harbor similar viruses (e.g. SIV) thought to have jumped to man to become the HIV Virus. Member of this community boast to eat raw meat which in effect predisposes them even more to viruses which could have been avoided by boiling.

Polygamy: Polygamy is a cultural practice still observed by Cameroonians especially in rural communities. One man with more than two wives puts the group at risk if one contracts the HIV virus. Infidelity amongst the wives has been reported amongst 60% of polygamous homes and the percentage is proportional to the number of wives per husband. The more the number of wives, the higher the degree of infidelity in the family and therefore a higher possibility of HIV spread. Cheating is a desperate, secretive act that requires spontaneity and therefore those who indulge in may lack condoms and will base their safety on eye judgment.

Witch doctors and Herbal medicine: Believes in witch doctors is still common in the rural and urban areas in Cameroon. The use of herbal medicine is a second option if not first in some rural areas of Cameroon. They perform acts in various ways but one dangerous act is the use of razor blades to create openings through which they administer their drugs. Entire house holds visit witch doctors to seek for luck or deliverance. The doctor in most cases in the past had one razor as longs as it could still create the openings he wanted to. Using one razor for a month can mean distributing blood contents to as many as 100-300 people. An entire house hold may think they are more careful by coming along with their own razor. HIV prevalence in Cameroon is 5.1% which implies the use of a singly razor to create cuts on a house hold of 20 members is a high chance of transmitting HIV to all of them. If this must be done them it is important to have one razor per person

Scalp Shaving: North West province of Cameroon observes a tradition whereby, the family both internal and extended shaves down to the scalp when an important member is lost. This means using a razor or in some poor homes pieces from a broken bottle. This practice is commonly followed by cuts from which blood can be picked from one person to another. If this must be done, then it is important to have one razor or bottle piece per person.

Female Genital Mutilation: The Ejagham tribe of the South West Province, the Haoussas, Arapshouas in the Northern part of Cameroon illegally practice female genital mutilation. This desperate act is a cultural practice handed down generations and is difficult to led go despite the punishment allocated those who indulge in. In rural areas, the clitoris, the Libia minora or the Libia minora are removed using crude equipments. This process involves bleeding and the usage of the same equipment without proper sterilization predisposes the entire community to HIV infection if it has been used on a carrier.

The above desperate acts are acts done in a rush and will require the fastest decisions as possible to come to them. Therefore people will not think of the consequences as far as HIV is concerned or even if they do they will buy their way through by examining the weight and how often they get seek.

There are many other traditions and customs in Cameroon that predisposes Cameroonians to other conditions like obesity, click here, hepatitis and others.

Traditions and customs in Cameroon that predisposes Cameroonians to other conditions like obesity,,.You can also get tips on how to change this predicament for good.

How To Prevent Over Sweating. Sweating Advantages and Disadvantages

Sweating is a physiological process practiced by living things. Sweating is defined simply by the act of excreting moisture from the body.

Advantages: Sweating regulates the amount of heat in the body. When it is hot, the body excretes more moisture that evaporates from the body carrying along heat. When it is cold, the body readjusts to prevent sweating and subsequently prevents water evaporation leading to the conservation of heat.

Sweating is considered a form of innate immunity in animals. Sweat is composed of water and minerals like calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. It is acidic due to the presence of lactate and urea and these substances can be toxic to microorganisms living on the skin. Therefore sweating can help eliminate harmful bacteria from the body.

Sweating can be termed body cleansing whereby the body eliminates excess wastes. Toxic substances like salts are eliminated through the act of sweating.

Disadvantages of Sweating: Sweating can be disadvantageous if it becomes uncontrolled. Too much sweating leads Offensive body odor: When water evaporates form the skin, solid material like urea, lactate and salts are left behind. These substances will release unpleasant smells from the individual if not washed away. People smell differently depending on the composition of their sweat. Sweat composition can depend of the type of food or fluids taken in which means an individual's body odor can depend from where he or she comes from. Inconveniences: People avoid close contacts as much as possible with people who sweat profusely. We do not want to be soaked by someone's sweat and therefore will prefer to wait until they are dry. Dry sweat prints sweat marks on the body and cloths creating a high degree of inconveniences. It makes you look nasty or dirty.


Improve Your Vision Without Glasses. Self Inflicted Eye Damages , A Wired

Bad vision is a condition most people do not want to have whereas it is problem some long to have. Who on earth will want a bad vision? is a million dollar question everyone will be interested in knowing an answer to. Keep reading

Growing up in the North West province of Cameroon, school mates who wore glasses coincidentally were from rich homes with well to do parents. They looked cool in their glasses no matter ugly the glasses were. The few girls drew attention from all the boys while the few boys with glasses drew attention from all the girls. We later found out that this group of guys suffered from visibility problems and some had actually suffered from eye damage and were under therapy. This still did not take away the fact that they were cool and everyone wished they could put on glasses to school as well.

To be qualified for glasses, you needed to prove you had eye vision problems. Some coincidentally were screened and identified with vision problems whereas a majority was not. This led to rampant self inflicted eye injuries. Mates physically created damages by constant trauma to the eyes, exposure of the eyes to direct sun rays for a couple of hours every day. The most effective way they say was application of starch in eyes overnight for a couple of days. These methods seemed to work because the amount of students with glasses doubles continuously for a couple of years.

The use of glasses gradually became un-cool and students moved to the use of contact lenses. This has now become un-cool either and the quest for VISION WITHOUT THE USE OF GLASSES has constantly increased
Karlhans Che. Improve your vision without the use of glasses

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Treat Bad Breath, Movie Stars' Greatest Nightmare a Case Study

Movie stars with bad breaths will lose strategic roles because of this condition. They are a group of individuals with unique characteristics, married or not, they accept indulging in acts that most normal individual will not. They act prostitutes, homosexuals, intimates love scenes, scenes that cannot be taken by anyone not born to be a movie star.

Imagine the embarrassment, you face coming to work with a bad breath every day? Everyone takes a step backwards each time you speak? No one agrees to take a love scene with you that require some intimate talk and kissing? You may be the best actor in the world but this little issue of bad breath which can be solved within hours is tearing your life apart. This problem can be solved in many ways.You maybe unlucky that your colleagues never mentions that you have a bad breath and why things seem to be the way they are with you.

You start examining every step of your life in an effort to crack down this disturbing issue. No matter how much you try to be more friendly, kind, tolerant, supportive to everyone, things seems to get worst. The next thing you do is to retreat, low self-esteem streams in, going to work is no longer fund, you start making flimsy excuses why you were absent from work the previous day and by no time you realize that you fire yourself or you are fired for job irregularities.

Because of the importance of movie stars in the entertainment industry, they have become celebrities and gained great influence in almost all aspects of life. What they say can influence the political map of a country, the religion, culture and even sciences and technology. At this point, they are no longer restricted to a hand full of workmates who have managed to contain their offensive mouth odors but also to the entire world in which they may be acting as good will ambassadors. For example, goodwill ambassadors to UNICEF who are or where movie stars amongst a list are Lord Richard, Venessa Redgrave, Angelina Jolie, Orlando bloom, Jackie Chan, Mia Farrow, Sir Roger Moore, Suzan Sarandon,Vendela Thommessen.

They meet top ranking officials from the heights of the president of the United States down to the lowest class of people situated in all the corners of the world. It is their responsibility to speak out against neglected aspects of life that requires human attention, for example HIV/AIDS campaign, fight against child molestation, against women rights or refugees ect.

Imagine the embarrassment bad breathed movie stars will have when they witness rejection from the top down to the bottomed underprivileged. Their interlocutors will prefer telephone conversations rather than a face to face contact while those they meet in the fields will have no option but to shy away from them. Bad breath therefore is a condition everyone will avoid

Why do we have to let things go this worst before we act? Prevention is better than cure which means proper mouth hygiene from the beginning is an obligation to anyone of us. The good news is that even when things have gone this bad, we can still fix them and move on like nothing ever happened.

There are clear signs to to take note of if you suspect a bad breath. As if the rejections at work and amongst our friends are not enough, and after all the efforts we put to make them love us and come to us have failed, let us examine the following signs; Constant dry mouth, mouth infections with red or swollen gum, respiratory tract infections like sore throat, mucus producing cough or from the nostrils are conditions that lead to bad mouth breath. The best and most effective way to know is to ask close friends what they think about your mouth odor.

Do you want to be free from bad bread? To treat your bad breath Click here and follow the link

Friday, April 2, 2010

Overweight/Obesity and Bizarre Cultural Practices That Influence Their Onset

Most people misuse the word obesity for overweight referring to overweight people as obese. As much as inaction towards overweight can result to obesity, there are major differences between the two. Overweight is defined by the measure of our body mass index (BMI) whereby the BMI is between 25kg/m2 -30kg/m2 (kg equals our body weight in kilograms and m equals our height in meters) Obese individuals require more intensive care compared to just being overweight and may require anti-obesity drugs and bilateral surgeries, procedures not normally prescribed to overweight people.

Overweight and obesity can be influenced largely by our cultures for example, 64% of the adult population of the United States are either obese of overweight. Fast foods are practices rooted into American history which has been handed down for generations and this leads to overweight. Today we shall examine a weired practices and believes and cultures from a Cameroonian society that predisposes them to overweight and obesity.

Cameroon is strategic country in Central and West African with a population of over 18million inhabitants. It is termed Africa in miniature for its great geographical and cultural diversity. It exhibits all major climates and vegetation of the continent: coast, desert, mountains, rain forest, and savanna and controls the greatest economy within the central African states. It is a fertile and reach piece of land producing tones of various cash crops most of which are exported.

Surprisingly, more than 35% of the adult population of Cameroonians are obese and situation keeps going out of control because the following reason.

Being overweight or fat in Cameroon has been classified as a sign of wealth. For the men for example, they take it as an additional advantage to lure beautiful girls into their nets who due to poverty and hardship are looking for means to survive. The young men on the other hand find fat women as hot and very efficient to quench their sexual desires. The men want something with" meat", something you can touch and fill it soft rather than a bonny and skinny lady very hard to feel (as they say). Nobody will therefore want to lose the respect from the society as being reach or the attention from the opposite sex by being skinny. This believes pushes the society to indulge in unhealthy eating habits with the prime intention of getting fat.

People give up their efforts to lose weight because they believe nothing can be done to remedy the situation. This is common in families who have had one or two individuals suffer from this condition before. The rest of the family makes little or no efforts to fight overweight because they believe it is a family sickness. Even if efforts are made, these efforts are not enough because of the preconception.

More than 5% of the Cameroonian population suffers from complications due to the HIV virus. With the coming of HIV/AIDS, and the name slim disease attributed to it, people believe that being slim was a sign of being HIV positive. Together with the stigma still attached to this syndrome people will declare themselves negative in the eyes of the public by doing all it takes to be fat. You gain respect as a healthy person and are accepted in your social group or the opposite sex easily if you are fat. The opposite sex will rarely ask for the use of condoms before sex because he or she knows you are save as it is depicted in you seize. The thin people are more scrutinized and suspected as reservoirs of the HIV virus and if a clear prove of viral negativity is not shown you may never given a shot by the opposite sex.

My father (May his sole rest in peace) will crack my head when I ate little portions of food. According to him only the weak or women ate little potions of food. He will urge me to eat like a soldier and that was eating at the speed of light. Therefore in parties or ceremonies, my friends and I ate hugged quantities of food within a very short time to show our man hood. This was generally accepted in my locality and was considered cool in the eyes of the ladies we were trying to impress.

Food availability and the economic power of a household are also major factors that determine an individual's weight. My staple food in Mankon (situated in the northwest province of Cameroon) is called Achu and is prepared from Cocoyams. It is also consumed by the neighboring villages of Bafut, Nken, Bambilly, Nchomba, and Nsohngwa. Amongst other widely consumed food items are fufu (corn flower, or cassava flower). Cocoyams, corn and cassava are huge sources of starch containing between 20-25 grams of carbohydrates per cup of the power. They are locally cultivated and therefore easily acquired. The poor economic situation has resulted in people depended on what they can cultivate and therefore families may depend on this constant intake of huge carbohydrates all their lives with little or no vegetables. This contributes largely to the amounts of obese people in the streets.

The economic power of a country and educational facilities also influence peoples ability to practice healthy habits. A substantial portion of people living outside the major cities of Cameroon lack television, radio, telephone, and Internet service facilities that can self educate them on healthy living.

There are several diiferent ways to prevent and control overweight ranging from a healthy diet intake to excercises and medications

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